Tuesday, January 22, 2013

By Damien Drake
The gesture of giving a woman flowers to attract or seduce her has been one of the oldest gestures of affection known to man. This is logical when analyzed properly. Woman are creatures of visual stimulation. Not stimulation in the same way men are sexually, but rather biologically because of their "gatherer" nature from the stone age. Women in tribes picked berries and other fruits for their tribes. They where built to find the colorful and vibrant berries. Flowers simply activate those sensors in a woman's brain that causes them to relate them with life and the feeling of vibrance.

Why Giving Flowers is an Art:
There is a very good reason as to why men in this day and age are concerned about giving a woman they are trying to attract or seduce flowers. Most men who give a woman flowers during courtship do so through a feeling of insecurity. Flowers themselves do nothing in showing a woman that a man is insecure or is simply, "BFF" material. Rather it is the general dynamic and time that the flowers are given that can either be the boost needed to take the courtship to the next level or push your chances over the cliff.

Flowers are not a beginning stage gift:
Contrary to Hollywood and your mom's advice, flowers should not be given right at the beginning of the courtship or during the creation of a strong attraction. There are two main points to explain this. The first point is if the woman you are courting is more interested in you than you are in her. Although this dynamic does allow you more leeway to give flowers immediately, the trade offs and potential substitution costs are not worth the risks. If the flowers are received in a positive manner and create more attraction, it will also create a sense of entitlement (although this may even be unconscious).If the flowers are accepted and have the converse result in which they cause you to have a perceived weakness, then you will have more work to do to seduce your woman. Flower's are an excellent tool once the initial courtship is coming to an end. After multiple dates and sense of attachment has been created by the man and the woman, then flowers are a powerful tool. The key is to leverage them properly.

The Trick to Giving Flowers: Public Opinion
There is a potent and effective way to give flowers to a woman you are seducing or building a relationship with. The greatest leverage in giving flower's to a woman is giving them to her in the presence of friends, family and coworkers. This trick is an amazing catalyst in creating a strong sense of desire from a woman. The reason for this is because of public opinion and the law of contrast. Flower's that are hand delivered, either by person or through a flower business (ie. Pro Flowers) will cause interest in you and your relationship in the people (women) that your woman has trust with or a friendship with. Suddenly, you will be "too cute" and so "special" (this being public opinion) or you will look like "such a great guy" relative to the other men she has had or her friends are currently dating (Law of Contrast). This is the key to giving Flowers. You are instilling peer pressure into her relationships with other women and/or general acquaintances.

The usefulness of this tactic cannot be stressed enough. The ability to influence the people around the woman that you are seducing is critical. It is analogous to having your very own marketing specialist promoting how great you are. This does not mean that this will cement your status with both the woman you are seducing and her friends. There are many additional tactics that can be used. However, take this dating tip into consideration and become the man every one of her friends talks about that one day so you can leverage it into bigger and better results.

Don't forget to visit my other site to find out which seduction systems really help you learn to attract women and which one's simply don't.

Visit me at: Datingguidesthatwork.blogspot.com

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